Welcome to Weaving the Red Thread’s Resources designed to support Holistic & Menstruality Health. They have been crafted by Weaving - Amanda Trieger and Sahara Contempree - who each bring 2+ decades of Naturopathic and Menstruality Wellbeing Wisdom to the work we share. The Shop’s resources have been developed to nourish cyclical living and to support Positive Menstruality Facilitators.
These resources are designed specifically for the Southern or Northern Hemisphere. Did you know that the flow of energy is different for the two hemispheres due to the Coriolis Effect? Energy in the Southern Hemisphere flows anticlockwise and clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. Also how you visually see the moon phases is different in the two hemispheres. The resources colour palettes and layouts have been designed specifically to reflect the energetic flow and moon phases specific to each hemisphere. Most resources on the market reflect the northern hemisphere flow and moon phases, at Weaving we are excited to offer both.
We give thanks to and honour our Bodies, our Menstruality, our Mothers, our Mentors, our Teachers, the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and the Cosmos - who have collectively informed us about cyclical living, self care allies and holistic wellbeing.
Live Cyclically - Transform your Life
All resources designed by Sahara Contempree. For graphical enquiries, please contact Sahara at myrhythmicbeing@gmail.com