Welcome to the open video library

Welcome to the open video library where I share different categories of videos aimed to educate and entertain you on how to optimize your social media presence to have a greater impact on your audiences. Here's what you will find under the different categories.

Video Newsletters

I've started a newsletter series that explores different ways you can monetize your social media presence by tapping into your area of expertise. Currently, these newsletters are made accessible for everyone, till I settle down with a format, and then it will be turned into a paid feature.

Your Questions

This will be a perpetually free video series, where I answer questions that I've been posted with on different platforms. The answer she got you on a high level on what you can do to solve the problems posed in the questions, or sometimes we do go in-depth to analyze or a challenge.

The other planned and current categories of videos that are available when you have signed up for an account would cover the main topics involved with social media marketing and social selling: engagement, networking, hashtags, branding, video marketing, content creation, copywriting, and LinkedIn strategy.

Video Newsletter Preview

Your Questions